Legal mentions
Website's property
M. et Mme LIMES
Le Pasteillé La ferme
81290 Viviers les montagnes
Design and hosting
This site has been totally designed by Laura Granger, in the setting of her Tourism HND.
It was made with the hosting WIX.
For more informations:
Photo credit
All the pictures of the tab "THE ACTIVITIES" are copyright-free, delivery-free or modification-free.
All the pictures introduced on the website are not copyright-free, the photo credit belonging to the Bed & Breakfast Le Pasteillé.
Two of our rooms are approved by CléVacnces (3 keys) : the "Autumn colors" room and the "Summer boudoir" room.
Informations à disposition
Contents of this website is given for information only. The activities proposed are only suggestions, the internet user has to use this informations with clear-sightedness.
Droits d'auteur
Informations of this website are protected by copyright laws and intellectual property. Every use non-authorized can be a violation of this laws. None section of this informations and documents from this website can be reproduiced without a writen authorization from the Bed & Breakfast Le Pasteillé.
Données à caractère personnel
In compliance with the informatic and freedom law of sixth of January of 1978, you have an access, rectification, modification and removal right about dates regarding you. You can try this right contacting us via the "INFORMATIONS" colomn.